Grow Sales with ESG: Maximise Your Team’s Potential

Understanding Your Challenge

As a Sales Director in the dynamic IT sector, you’re no stranger to the pressures of evolving market demands. We recognise that the surge in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) interests presents both a challenge and an opportunity for your sales team.

Why ESG for Sales?

ESG is evolving from a compliance checkbox into a critical business driver. For IT sales teams, this shift presents a unique opportunity to enhance client engagement and drive strategic sales:

  • Direct Client Engagement: They can leverage their understanding of ESG to address specific client challenges, positioning their IT solutions as essential enablers in their clients’ ESG journeys. This approach elevates their conversations with clients, fostering stronger, more meaningful partnerships.
  • Building Trust Through Expertise: Demonstrating a solid grasp of ESG principles builds trust with clients. IT sales professionals can use their ESG insights to provide tailored, relevant solutions, proving themselves as knowledgeable partners in their clients’ ESG efforts.
  • Strategic Growth Facilitated by ESG: An understanding of the evolving ESG landscape enables IT sales teams to anticipate market changes and client needs effectively. They can offer forward-thinking IT solutions that align with both current and future ESG standards, driving growth for both their clients and their businesses.

In the world of IT sales, mastering ESG is not just about enhancing brand image—it’s a strategic advantage for more effective client engagement and sustainable business growth.

Navigating ESG: A Growing Imperative

You recognise the expanding ESG-focused demands among your clients and the investment surge in new IT systems to support ESG objectives. This shift offers vast opportunities for growth and leadership in the IT sales sector.

However, your sales team’s limited grasp of ESG essentials could be your biggest stumbling block. Without this critical knowledge, even your seasoned Major Account Managers might struggle to engage effectively with large accounts on the ESG front, potentially leaving significant opportunities untapped.

The ESG Knowledge Gap: A Tactical Dilemma

Balancing ESG-related sales opportunities against your team’s current understanding and approach poses a significant challenge. How can your Sales Executives, Major Account Managers, and Sales Enablement Managers pivot effectively to harness the power of ESG narratives in their sales dialogues?

Coaching and Mentoring Your Team to Succeed in the ESG Market

While you see the growth in ESG amongst key clients, the complexity lies in aligning your team’s understanding and conversation with these emerging needs. You need a partner who can equip your sales force with not only the knowledge but also the confidence to engage in meaningful ESG dialogues.

Role Based ESG Sales Support

 Major Account Managers:

Navigating ESG in Major Account Management

  • Discover insights on how Major Account Managers can deepen client relationships and drive sales by aligning key accounts with ESG objectives.

Sales Enablement:

ESG Tools and Techniques for Sales Success

  • Learn about the tools and techniques for to effectively integrate ESG knowledge and practices into the sales process, enhancing team capability and client engagement


Tailored Support to Enable ESG Marketing Success in:

  • Product Marketing
  • Demand Generation
  • Go to Market Enablement

Why Cambium?

At Cambium, we specialise in seamlessly integrating ESG metrics into your existing sales framework, helping you unlock sustainable growth and build deeper client relationships. Our approach isn’t just about adhering to a trend; it’s about leading the charge in a marketplace that increasingly values sustainability and responsibility.

With over 15 years at the forefront of IT and ESG integration, Cambium stands uniquely poised to guide your sales and marketing strategies. Our approach is tailored, directly addressing the needs of Sales Directors, Major Account Managers, and Sales Enablers within IT enterprises across the UK, Ireland, and the EU.

Book an exploratory discussion with us to explore how we can help you grow your sales and market share in the ESG market